Quetelet tools

Sourceforge.net project page

Welcome to the home page of the sourceforge-hosted project called "Quetelet tools".

The goal of this project is to help produce a set of tools used by the french Centre Quetelet, a public research unit designed to help social science researchers accessing quantitative studies data.


The current tools under development are listed below.


Ododo (Outil de Documentation des Données en Sciences Sociales) is a web tool to produce study documentation under XML using the DDI format.
Files will be released as soon as the work will be considered sufficiently stable.


xml2mysql is a quite simple python script which can import a selection of tags and attributes from a set of XML files in a MySQL database table.
A first alpha release (version 0.1) has been made recently.


For any help or information, please contact Jean-Noël Bouvier or Julien Barnier.

Last modified: Wed Dec 3 17:25:44 CET 2003